Driving Tips to Save Fuel

Lyle Ellerbee

The amount of fuel that you consume depends heavily on your driving habits. Gas eats up a considerable percentage of the average American’s monthly income. By following good driving practices, you will not only save a lot of money, but also reduce your carbon footprint significantly. This article lists some of the simple ways that will help you reduce your fuel consumption by getting more miles out of every gallon of gas.

I. Ensure Correct Tire Pressure

If the air pressure in your tires is less than the prescribed limit, then it puts an extra load on your engine. Under-inflated tires create a hindrance in the smooth movement of your car. Consequently, your engine has to use extra gas to provide extra torque. Ensuring correct tire pressure not only saves fuel, but also increases the life of your engine and tires. Remember that while under-inflation is undesirable, over-inflation is actually dangerous. Always be sure that your tires have the correct pressure as prescribed for the model of your car.

II. Avoid Carrying Extra Weight

Always keep it light. Refer to the user’s manual of your car to see how much extra luggage it can handle. More weight means more of a burden on your engine. You will again end up wasting precious gas if you carry unnecessary items in your car. You might want to get rid of some of the useless accessories, such as roof top carriers and bike carriers. They also ruin the aerodynamics of your vehicle, resulting in a further waste of gas.

III. Driving 55 MPH

Everybody knows that he or she will save many gallons of gas by driving at a constant speed of 55 MPH but nobody bothers to follows this. You will be able to save more than 30 percent of the money spent on gas if you drive at 55 MPH wherever possible.

IV. Planning Your Journey

Fuel waste is exponentially high at traffic jams. Before heading out, you should always check with local radios to confirm there aren’t any such problems along your desired route. You should also consider using a GPS system. It will help you find the shortest possible route to your destination.

V. Ensure Proper Maintenance of Your Vehicle

Your vehicle will give you decent fuel economy only if you keep it in decent condition. It is of the utmost importance to get your vehicle serviced at specified intervals of time or mileage, whichever comes earlier.

VI. Follow the Prescribed Gear Shift Patterns

Do not over-rev your engine at anytime. This seriously increases fuel consumption and also puts unnecessary stress on your engine. Refer to your car’s user manual to check the RPM limits. They vary significantly with your car’s model and engine type.

VII. Avoid Sudden Accelerations

Sudden acceleration and deceleration cause unnecessary gas consumption. Do not apply the brakes suddenly. Over a period of time, this will also reduce your car’s pickup. Ensure that you’re driving smoothly.

By incorporating these good driving habits, you will save a lot of hard cash and also save the environment from tons of greenhouse gases.

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