If you are looking for a killer car audio system and would like to build your own then there are some things to keep in mind. Building your own system can be very gratifying but very challenging as well. Many audio components are designed for certain vehicles which can make […]
Month: June 2024
Autocross Buying Guide – Select the Right Car
In my experience, autocross can be a very fun and exciting sport. I have participated in several events in my local area. I found the hobby to be very addictive as well. Out of all my other hobbies, I think this one is the best “bang for the buck” as […]
What Are the Benefits of Car Detailing?
If you are a new car owner, you may not be familiar with auto detailing. In this article, we are going to talk about the importance and benefits of car detailing. Unlike a car wash, this type of service can extend the life span and quality of your vehicle. These […]
The Role of a Pre-Amplifier in a Car Audio System
Car audio systems are becoming more and more popular as time passes, simply because technology has provided people with a way to listen to their music the car with tremendous power and quality. Most people will install a power amplifier into their subwoofer speaker system. However, if you are a […]
How to Get the Best Sound Quality in Your Car
Your car could be a great place to enjoy your favorite music, however, many of you still tolerate questionable sound quality that you would never tolerate with your theater system at home. There are also some who attempt to assemble sophisticated sound systems in their vehicles, but a single installation […]
Alpine MRD-M605 — For Subsonic Rumbles
Alpine’s MRD-M605 is a big one for those of us who like the seismic reveberation of subs. It has impressive features that, unfortunately, are not usually written in English. Here, I’ll do my utmost to translate their tech-speak to everyday English. I guess this would help you decide if it […]
Removing A Double DIN
Are you looking for easy tips on how to remove your car’s stereo? Then look no further! Be it a double DIN or a single din, you can do it in just 5 easy steps. If you want to know more, then you should read this article. For car owners […]
Eco-Friendly Cars – Is There a Diesel Hybrid?
We know that diesel vehicles are efficient and usually have a great life span allowing several years of use while still maintaining great overall mileage. Today we see that newly designed diesel engines are running cleaner and more efficient than ever. The same goes for hybrid technology as we see […]
Samsung Mobile Phones – Add Style to Your Life
Samsung is a leading mobile phone company around the world. Samsung has been releasing numerous mobile phones with unique features and eye-catching designs such as the Samsung u600i, Samsung Armani, Samsung U900 Soul, Samsung i8510 INNOV8, Samsung i900 Omnia, Samsung M8800 Pixon and many more. The Samsung i900 Omnia is […]
Should You Add Fairings To Your Bike Or Not?
Motorcycle fairing refers to the shell which is placed over a sports bike or any other motorcycle in order to reduce air drag on the vehicle. The major benefits of fairing include reduced air drag, protection of the rider and the engine components in case of accidents. You can have […]